
I am an 18-years-old teenager from Atyrau, Kazakhstan. I enjoy playing video games and cycling. I am also a huge fan of the Black Keys music band.

I started developing iOS apps at the age of 14 and instantly fell in love with the process. I also enjoy sharing with people, and that’s why I decided to start this blog.


an image from wwdcscholars.com

Education and Awards

I am currently studying at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School, graduation year - 2023. Here are some of my valuable awards:

  •  WWDC20 Swift Student Challenge winner
  • Winner of the Republican contest of scientific projects
  • The Student of the Year of NIS Atyrau in Computer Science field(2019)

image-right In summer 2020, I also had an opportunity to participate in the Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies, studying the Artificial Intelligence program. You can view my student evaluation here.


I am the founder and main developer of Qulynym. It is an educational mobile application in the Kazakh language for preschoolers. The app is available in the App Store.

My submission for the Apple WWDC20 Swift Student Challenge was the Dombra simulator. You can read more about it here. I was also featured in an article about STEM education in the ‘Steppe’ magazine.

Work experience

  1. An internship at “AV-software” from July-August 2019. Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan.
  2. Junior iOS developer(Part-time - Remote) at “Degreen” from May-July 2020.