What is iOS development?

1 minute read

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s an iOS developer! So, what is iOS development all about?


an image from my iosdev.kz Instagram account

Cracking the mystery

Before we start learning about iOS development, you have to know what it is, right? Well, iOS development is a ‘fancy’ word for creating applications on iPhone/iPad.

But how do you make a mobile app? As with any other application, it’s done by programming, which is to put simply, means writing a bunch of commands(code) to the computer. Machines don’t understand human languages, so we communicate with them using programming languages.

Important terminology

There are several definitions you have to become acquainted with to understand upcoming information:

  • macOS - an operating system of Mac computers
  • Swift(yup, that bird on my logo) - a programming language used to write programs on macOS, iOS, watchOS, etc.
  • Xcode - a macOS application for iOS development where all the magic happens.

How does the process look?

Every step of iOS development is done in the Xcode. Here is how it looks: image-center

Usually, when you work as an iOS developer, you are not designing the app’s interface. It’s done by a UI designer. Most of the time, you will create the functionality of the project by writing code.

Confused? That’s okay!

If you have no programming background, everything may seem complicated now, and it’s completely normal.

In that case, you may want to explore this topic by yourself a little. I tried to explain the general idea, and for the sake of simplicity, left out some technical details.

If you got it all, then congratulations! Stay tuned for the upcoming posts ;)

Until next time!

I hope this article was helpful to you! Share with this post and follow me on Instagram where I post the short versions of my iOS development articles. You can also visit my Medium account.

P.S: any support is highly appreciated ;)

Thanks for reading!

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